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Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States
I am outgoing and fun! I love people. I love the ocean. I am married to my best friend Ben and have a wonderful little girl named Ashtyn. I love teaching high school!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Twilight craze

I guess just like the students I too got interested in the Twilight series books. I mainly got "sucked" in by the hype of all the students. I like to stay up on the latest books they enjoy as to try to make a connection with them and any links to classroom material that I can use are an additional bonus. I read the first book only and have now seen both the first movie as well as New Moon this weekend. I enjoy the books because they go into so much detail and you get to create the characters in your own mind. I must say that several people in my classroom have made comments that the books are much better than the movie and I was impressed that they have been reading them. Maybe due to all the hype and wanting to see what is going to happen before it actually does. I get impatient while waiting for movies but hate to spoil them by reading ahead. I read the books after the movies. I guess that is a bit backwards but always seems to keep me interested in the books and the movies. So on to the review.... I like the fact that the book describes Forks in so much detail in the book. This is the place Bella has chosen to go to live with her boring dad. She did this so her mother could be happy to travel with her boyfriend, a selfless move on Bellas part. She thinks more of othersa than herself. This theme continues throughout the book as she seems to have no fear or concern for the outcome of herself. I think it went on for four to five pages aboutForks, as well as the part about the vampire skin and how it shines like diamonds. The first was needed to enhance the story the second about their skin was a bit cheesy and over the top if I am being critical. Overall, I liked the book better than the movie because of the details. You get a better understanding of Bella and her family in the book. In the book she is really witty and stubborn, she is very clumsy and seems to be fun. The information about the Cullen family is so well written it makes you get really into their life and want to know more about them. I love how Edward Cullen is so drawn to Bella not only because he can read all minds but her. Also, because she appeals to him as a snack saying "he can smell her clear across the room" and he makes reference to wanting to eat her so bad. As this love story builds it is well written and it doesn't imply any sexual conduct like most books and movies today. In fact, each time he touches Bella in the book you are amazed, like wow he touched her cheek. I love that it makes you so happy for their romance and how it progresses slowly and respectfully. I also love that about the book, the suspense builds as they take their love very slowly and get to know each other very deeply. I love how these books are popular with several age groups and it is very rewarding to see students walking around reading a large book like this, a challenge so many pass on these days due to video games and other forms of enertainment. Things come so easily now days and it stifles creativity. I would say this is a vampire book for all types of people even those who hate vampire stories can appreciate a love story with such a great story line! I encourage you to get "sucked in" as well!

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