About Me

My photo
Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States
I am outgoing and fun! I love people. I love the ocean. I am married to my best friend Ben and have a wonderful little girl named Ashtyn. I love teaching high school!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ever have drama with homework?

A word to the wise about assignments, make sure they are in ahead of time because when you are doing all you can to stay afloat.....the WebCT, Internet or something will go wrong! This story is sort of funny now that it is over but it has helped me to be much more understanding of people and understand that I may have no idea what is going on in their lives. I had to go out of town this week again for school, I learn a lot and make valuable connections with other teachers at seminars like these but in exchange must plan for a sub, find a sitter for my two year old, and pack myself up and go. I take my laptop and look at the event as a wonderful opportunity to get some much needed R & R and get some of the MAT work done. I thought for once my assignment would be done early without all the stress so I could enjoy the weekend with my family upon returning home. I get to Mt. Magazine State Park early, settle into the lodge and get my laptop open to begin work. The Internet will not come up! I realize that with the altitude my computer wireless will not work or maybe due to the rain storm but either way NO SERVICE! Ugghhh! So, no worries I crack open a book and begin to read my lessons. I discover I need to be down in the ballroom at 5 to do more meetings so I head down there shortly after, I return to my room at 9:30pm. I try to read more but the no noise factor causes me to fall asleep reading in bed, this happens to me often. I return home to submit my work FINALLY....as I attempt to do that, Web CT shuts down in the middle of my quiz and submission! I copy the test and fully plan to send it as an attachment to my professor as I beg her to accept it and WebCT comes back up BUT the funniest thing of all is that even though it shut down for 40 minutes it continued the timer!!! So, I have 5 minutes to input all of my answers. As I sit here now reading all of this back, I can't help but laugh and think Wow, this seems so unlikely and yet it really happened. I will attempt to submit it earlier next time to avoid all of the additional stress in my life. This statement is funny as well because if I shuffle things it only means that something else will be getting the last minute attention next time. So, I guess moral of the story is try to juggle things and make a balance as to your timeline, if you go to Mt. Magazine plan to REST and not do work, and all the planning in the world can't fix a computer problem! Always try to be understanding of your students because you never really know if one of those dog ate the homework stories that seems so far fetched just might be true! : )

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is my daughter Ashtyn! She will have her third birthday this week. She is my best little playmate. We have so much fun together. One thing about this year that is difficult is being away from her. She is used to having my undivided attention and being a first year teacher and a student in the MAT program has made me very busy. She thinks I shouldn't do work once home. Not that I disagree but I have to balance school and family!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Business Conference anyone?

I just finished grading a huge heaping pile of papers for my students and finished up some homework of my own. I am trying to get all of my classroom stuff caught up before the Labor Day weekend. I am so excited about the much needed break that is approaching. I wear myself out during the week! Long hours of work followed by short hours of sleep each night are not a great combo. I will be in Little Rock on September 8th and 9th for the Business Conference. Anyone else going to be there? As much as I am excited about all of my learning opportunities this year, I am so scrambled with information. I almost walked out of the pizza place tonight without paying!!! I headed out and realized it about the time the lady at the counter did. I apologized and explained my head wasn't where it should have been and I was stressed! I then felt crazy for explaining all of that to her. I got my pizza home and shared it with my wonderful little girl and that made all of the madness just seem calm again. Funny how time with my family just puts me at ease and nothing else really matters. I will enjoy my time at home this weekend and then head to the conference refreshed and ready to learn!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New teacher anxiety subsides

I am a new teacher this year at Prairie Grove High. I am not only a new teacher at the school but I am a first year teacher who is finishing my MAT. I teach six courses Web Design, Desktop Publishing, Marketing, Finance, Sports Marketing, and Fashion Merchandising & Design. I had a lot of anxiety about all the things on my plate to do and learn but, I have really been blessed with great students, parents and a supportive staff here at Prairie Grove. Everyone has been so warm and helpful and my classes have gone smoothly. Each week has been getting better and I think we are going to have an awesome year! I am trying to stay up to date on the latest ideas and also comply with all of the paperwork deadlines. Who knew you had to fill out so many papers as a teacher! : ) If I feel like I am doing anything right, it would have to be in my communication with my students. They all seem to enjoy being in my class and enjoy the activities we are doing. Of course, I get the usual grumble on test days or when they have to do anything very lengthy but that is to be expected. I think I remember doing the exact same thing to my teachers! I am trying to prioritize my life and juggle my time with my husband, daughter and my school kids. I am thankful for the opportunity to be in the Business Department and I think the year will get better as it goes along.
