About Me

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Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States
I am outgoing and fun! I love people. I love the ocean. I am married to my best friend Ben and have a wonderful little girl named Ashtyn. I love teaching high school!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New teacher anxiety subsides

I am a new teacher this year at Prairie Grove High. I am not only a new teacher at the school but I am a first year teacher who is finishing my MAT. I teach six courses Web Design, Desktop Publishing, Marketing, Finance, Sports Marketing, and Fashion Merchandising & Design. I had a lot of anxiety about all the things on my plate to do and learn but, I have really been blessed with great students, parents and a supportive staff here at Prairie Grove. Everyone has been so warm and helpful and my classes have gone smoothly. Each week has been getting better and I think we are going to have an awesome year! I am trying to stay up to date on the latest ideas and also comply with all of the paperwork deadlines. Who knew you had to fill out so many papers as a teacher! : ) If I feel like I am doing anything right, it would have to be in my communication with my students. They all seem to enjoy being in my class and enjoy the activities we are doing. Of course, I get the usual grumble on test days or when they have to do anything very lengthy but that is to be expected. I think I remember doing the exact same thing to my teachers! I am trying to prioritize my life and juggle my time with my husband, daughter and my school kids. I am thankful for the opportunity to be in the Business Department and I think the year will get better as it goes along.

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