About Me

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Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States
I am outgoing and fun! I love people. I love the ocean. I am married to my best friend Ben and have a wonderful little girl named Ashtyn. I love teaching high school!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Preparing for a DECA store!

We are going to open a store in our school in the next few weeks and we have been working on layout, design and what items we will sell. If anyone has feedback let me know! I am so excited about starting all this up from scratch but I also remain SO busy. I am loving all of the things we are doing and I think that next year will be even greater because my time will be a little less occupied. I am excited about what DECA is going to eventually be at Prairie Grove High school! In this picture Mrs. Bartholomew and I, are planning out a day to go tour other DECA stores. The students will be laying out the design and also picking out the food items. They will be responsible for inventory and working in the store as part of DECA participation and community service projects.

Web Designing!

Here is Christina! We are working on a project right now in web design where the students create a website for a zoo or aquarium. They are to link together 15-20 pages. They are to include exhibits, types of attractions, a gift shop and a home page with hours and a map. This project has been fun for them and they have been very creative! Christina is very artistic and also made a website on her own time that shows her art work. She wanted to follow my page and has a link to her site on her blog. This class has been fun for the students because I give them some time to be creative and I don't give strict rules for the assignments. I want to see what they come up with!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Day of the Dead"-Mexico's Halloween?

Here you see Juan working on his poster for Mexico. He is going to fill us in on Mexican legends and a festival based on these where they dress in costumes. This event is called "Day of the Dead", it is somewhat like Mexico's version of Halloween. He is teaching us about traditions from his home country. I was so excited about what he incorporated for the other classmates. Generally he is more reserved but today he got to teach us about things he thought were interesting and make a link to American traditions as well.

Clothing and Global Culture Lesson

Yesterday in class we started a project about Fashion in other countries and how people dress. We talked about clothing worn for protection from environmental factors, religious beliefs and customs. Each student was assigned a religious group or culture to research. They had to make a presentation based on their report. I assigned Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Swedish, Moroccans, Germans, Mexicans, American Indians, Egyptians, Thai, Jamaicans, Filipinos, Arabic, Africans, Muslim faith, Amish, Buddhist, and Jewish to name a few. The kids LOVED it! They learned about other cultures and put together creative presentations. Here is Macie, she did American Indians and she did a poster and PowerPoint as well as made an outfit out of paper! We had a great day!
