About Me

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Prairie Grove, Arkansas, United States
I am outgoing and fun! I love people. I love the ocean. I am married to my best friend Ben and have a wonderful little girl named Ashtyn. I love teaching high school!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ipods! Help or hinderence?

We have had several discussions at our school about the use of ipods and other technology devices. One of the biggest disagreements has been over the students use of ipods. Some teachers feel like the students are distracted by them and they can not possibly concentrate with them in their ears. I say it depends on the class, environment and teacher preferences. I let my students use them and it has been a great tool for them. I do attendance and give my lessons while students must be paying full attention with no use of devices. I then give them time to work as I monitor the room and I allow them to use them. They put them in and get busy. The room is quiet and the students stay busy. I too enjoy music while I work so it is not a problem for me. I tell them if all work is done and it is great work then the use of them can continue. The point they become a distraction, then they must be left at home. Several students even use them to incorporate into their projects such as downloading music to PowerPoint and adding in clips to projects. How does everyone else feel about theses things? Maybe I approve because computers and technology go hand in hand in my opinion but I see why other subject matter would discourage the use of them. It would be difficult to learn history or science while listening to music. Here is a pic of one of my students working away with one ear bud in and one out so he can hear me. My students have been very respectful with them. Just thought I would blog about this because its been a topic of discussion several places lately.

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